9 min read
A life insurance insurance broker is a specialist in life insurance and the management of financial risks arising from death, illness or injury.…
5 min read
To borrow money in Australia before you hold a Permanent Residency (PR) is tricky. There are things you can do to prepare for making the purchases you’re hoping to once you’ve gained your PR.…
6 min read
You’re thinking of buying a new car with a budget of up to $50,000 but you’re not sure where to start.…
5 min read
A new loan and the asset it buys can be exciting. But what happens when something unexpected goes wrong with the borrower’s health? …
7 min read
It is important to understand the difference between starting a dental practice and buying an existing dental practice. While starting up from scratch may come with a lower price tag, buying an existing practice will usually end up costing less in the long run. …
8 min read
Goodwill, Plant and Equipment and Stock are some of the key values that will be placed on your business when it is being assessed by a potential buyer. As a seller of a medical practice, it’s important you know what these mean. …
8 min read
If you are in the market to buy a home, then it’s recommended to obtain a pre-approval for a number of reasons, including giving you comfort around your borrowing capacity. …
4 min read
If you do decide that you want to buy a practice, upgrade your equipment or expand in some way there are three main avenues for you to do so.…
6 min read
A key way to minimise the stress of the purchasing process is to gather and arm yourself with as much information as possible to give you an edge over the competition. One such way to gather the information you need is via a comprehensive property report.…
4 min read
The recent announcement of the 2021 – 2022 Federal Budget has included some updates to home ownership schemes which are going to further assist Australians to achieve the dream of owning their own home. We’ve summarised the three measures targeting home ownership below. …
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