DIO Implant

DIO Implant is primarily a manufacturer of dental implants, but its distinctive core competencies and competitiveness are based on digital workflow solutions, represented by a 100% digital guided implant solution, "DIOnavi", and digital full arch solution, "DIOnavi Full Arch".

Human happiness, healthy living, ultimate value

With corporate social responsibility at the core of DIO Impact's identity, its ultimate goal is to pursue and envision a world where everybody enjoys happiness and healthy living.

DIO Implant has a great range of courses on offer. You can see the complete Course Schedule HERE and can check out some of the individual doctors' course flyers below. For more information on these courses, contact DIO via the Learn More button below.

  • Dr. Victor - See more here.
  • Dr. Robby - See more here.
  • Dr. Johan - See more here.
  • Dr. Jonathan - See more here.
  • Dr. Sven - See more here.

Latest products

Check out some of DIO Implant's latest products.

DIOnavi Full Arch

  • Complete solution for edentulous patients
  • Digital guide system offers high accuracy and shortens chair time
  • Comfortable prosthesis for patients with the digital system
  • Video explainer here
  • Check out the Full Arch website, Instagram, Facebook

DIO UV Implant & Activator

  • Remove hydrocarbon from the implant surface
  • Become hydrophilic implant surface
  • Fast and stable osteointegration
  • Only 20 seconds of UV irradiation time
  • Video explainer here

For more information click the button below.

Learn More

A quick chat could answer all your questions

You can book a call now with your local Credabl team member by clicking the button below to share your 
details and preferred time and day.

Feature articles

Find out what the DIO Implant team have to say.

dio blog 1
PARTNER POST: Artificial dental implants: the latest in innovation and technology

The advancement in technology means dental implant procedures can be minimally invasive, digitally personalised treatment planning and a faster procedure compared to previous years.…

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11 August 2021

PARTNER POST: Edentulous advancements more than just dentures

Today’s prosthetics are more than just dentures, thanks to the incredible advancements in technology and the resulting materials, design and placement now available to edentulous patients.…

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14 July 2021

*Terms and conditions

  • Offer valid on implant and equipment purchases 
  • Effective for all purchases financed with Credabl
  • Subject to finance terms and approvals
  • Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer 

The purpose of this page is to provide information about Credabl's Partners. Partners included on this page are independent third parties and Credabl does not receive any commission nor incentive from its Partners for referrals. If you choose to purchase products or services through one of our Partners, Credabl is not a party to that contract and you will have no right of action against Credabl for any breach of that contract.     

Credabl makes no representations or warranties about the suitability of the products offered or provided by our Partners. Links to third party websites provided by Credabl on this page are not under Credabl's control, and Credabl is not responsible for the accuracy or the reliability of the content on those third party websites.   

For more information, see our Terms and Conditions.